

浙江足球赌注软件科技有限公司是专业从事新药发现及开发的高新技术企业。开发产品包括治疗多种癌症及自身免疫性疾病等的一类新药,已有多款产品进入一期和二期临床试验阶段。 我们非常注重个人与公司的共同成长,将公司发展与个人优势兴趣相结合,尊重个人意志,“导师式”管理模式,提供培训、指导与帮助。每年1~2次晋升机会,你的优秀,有人来挖掘。 我们兼容并济,尊重理念差异与思想碰撞,拒绝论资排辈,打造良性沟通、和谐共创的科研氛围。 以人为本,注重工作体验与人文关怀,舒适的办公环境与完备的福利体系,在工作中享受生活。

我们期待您的加入,欢迎把简历发送至邮箱 wendayiyao@wendaparma.com,邮件主题命名:姓名+职位名称。
Zhejiang Wenda Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in new drug discovery and development. The products under development include class ⅰ new drugs for a variety of cancers and autoimmune diseases, and a 5number of products have entered phase I and phase II clinical trials. We attach great importance to the common growth of individuals and the company, combine the development of the company with personal advantages and interests, respect individual will, "mentor" management mode, to provide training, guidance and help. One or two promotion opportunities a year, your excellence, someone to dig. We are compatible with each other, respect the difference of ideas and the collision of ideas, refuse to judge seniority, and create a scientific research atmosphere of benign communication and harmonious co-creation. People-oriented, pay attention to work experience and humanistic care, comfortable office environment and complete welfare system, enjoy life at work.

We look forward to your joining. Please send your resume to wendayiyao@wendaparma.com with the subject name: name + job title.
